twitter advertising – how not to do it.

Lots of people are thinking of ways to use twitter as a mechanism for getting their message out. The trick is I think to do it in a way that benefits the people you are telling.

Is this an example of how to do it?

You receive an email saying is now following you and then on going to the link, it is one huge background with their website and contact details. The usual reciprocal follow would then result in spam appearing in the Twitter stream (though in this case it did seem to be being used for everyday use).

For me this is not the way to do things, and I am inclined to block rather than follow. I sure hope this is not a trend. Whilst it will not affect my Twitter stream (unless I reciprocate the follow it will not appear), it is spamming my email address and I’ll have to switch off the updates telling me who is following me.

Riaz Kanani

Founder of Radiate B2B, which helps companies target advertising at specific companies usually as part of an account based marketing programme.

I have spent almost two decades building startups or expanding fast growth companies in a variety of functions - from tech to operations to marketing, with a little corp dev on the side.

Always up for a discussion on building tech businesses and the latest tech trends. Tweet me.